

Did you know we wrote a book?

The Unicorn

How to find magic in your
business and make more money while doing it.


By Karinda Kinsler

You pour your heart and soul into your business.

You deserve to be paid well.


Let me help you build a highly profitable photography business that is true to you and what you believe in. A business that allows you to live the life of your dreams, and get the clients of your dreams.

Learn how to get out of your own way, master your mindset, know exactly what to charge, and how to give clients those giant pieces of art that they want in their home without feeling like a sleezy salesperson.

Choose How to Work With Us

Master Your Mind & Money


Our Signature Program


Spend the next 9 months with me, Mastering Your Mindset & Money so that you can build a highly profitable photography business.


You will get:

1:1 Calls

2x a Month Group Coaching Calls

A Private Community

6 Steps to 6 Figures Course

Go & Find Your Money Course

+ Our Entire Course Library with over 70 Hours of Trainings



If you are interested in joining, fill out our application.




Work with me closely as a 1:1 coaching client. I will work with you to comb through your business on private 1:1 calls two times a month, and I will support you on the day-to-day as any questions arise.


1:1 Coaching is for our more advanced studios that already have a great business structure in place but they are ready to take their business up a notch.


Waiting List open for 2024 - fill out the application below to apply

Your Magic



Spend this year with Karinda and find more magic inside your business.


You will get:

Monthly Trainings

Weekly quests

A secret squad


Join now for $1500

Featured In

Emphasizing work on myself alongside my business is what sets karinda apart as a coach. I am building a sense of confidence and self worth that I never knew was possible. I am growing into the person I need to be to run my dream business

Meet Karinda K.

Your Business Bestie

I have been in your shoes. Tired. Worn out. Wishing I just had more clients, so that I could make more money and finally make a decent living from my photography business.


Then I realized something.


The answer wasn't more clients, because I was already overextended. The answer was simplifying my business and figuring out how to make more from the clients I was getting.


Real talk, my clients spending thousand of dollars freaked me out. I knew something had to change. I knew my own money mindset was stopping me from building the business of my dreams.


When I finally learned to master my own mindset the magic started to happen. I no longer had my old limiting beliefs holding me back, and I was able to create a magical formula for having clients that are excited to invest $6000+ on the regular without having to sell them a thing.


The answer was simple. Ask the right questions, and give them what they want.


I have used this proven formula to help photographers from all over the world unleash their full potential and accomplish things they never knew were possible in their business.


It is my hope, that each and every single photographer out there can build a simple business that speaks to their soul and is wildly profitable.


About Karinda K.

I started my business my senior year of college at Texas A&M University. I was unsure what I wanted to do with my life. I was offered a position photographing livestock for a livestock photography company. After a quick stent working for them I quickly discovered that I wanted to really do this on my own.


I started out photographing Weddings, and eventually found my way into Newborns. I spend my first few years of business building my Designs by Karinda brand as a Wedding & Newborn photographer and even building my very own studio. After my wedding business really took off, I decided to branch out and brand it all on it's own, as Karinda K Weddings.


After spending 5 years photographing both Weddings and Newborns I realized what was missing from my business, Horses. I finally launched Karinda K Equine Photography.


2024 marks my 12th year in business.


I have spent the past 10+ years attending many workshops, with photographers all over the country, absorbing every bit of information that I could. The best thing I did when I first started my business was a one on one business mentoring. It took my business to an entirely new level, and actually paid for itself after my first in person sales session with a client!


I have had the amazing opportunity to learn from so many amazing photographers and educators including Erin Phillips, Julia Kelleher of Jewel Images, Work of Heart Photography, Katie Lamb, Kat Theis of Mustard Seed Photography, Julie Paisley Photography, Ashton Kelley Photography, Ashley Fisher Photography, Catherine Rhodes, Rachel Farner, Pete&Jordan, Cristina Bold, Megan DiPiero, Tavis Guild, David Scott, and so many more at through online courses and photography conferences.


I have been a part of many spectrums of the industry from Seniors, Weddings, Newborns, Families, Horses, and even high volume Dance Studio Photography over the years. Now, I take what I have learned in different niches of the photography world and help photographers of all genres build and optimize their businesses so that they can have highly profitable businesses that are simple and fulfilling to run.


