
"simply the best” doesn’t cover it… invaluable is the only word that works to describe her coaching!


Leigh f.
I read something online about how a “dream without a plan is just a wish.” Try as I might, I knew I needed some guidance to launch this business in a way that would carry me full time but still have a good work/life balance (the dream!). In the two months so far with Karinda I have learned the things I had hoped to learn, but the real nuggets I’ve valued have been the things I don’t realize I needed to Learn. It’s this, along with the constant presence of Karinda on walkie-talkie/chat app we had, has been invaluable (a tern I did not use lightly here). While I have some time to go before I reach my dream, I have never been more confident in me, my business, and how much success I know I’m about to experience. I’m not sure I ever want to not have Karinda “in my picket” anymore- “simply the best” doesn’t cover it… invaluable is the only word that works to describe her coaching!


Leigh F.

Over the past couple of months, Karinda has helped me to build a business that WORKS. My pricing is now profitable, my offerings are organized, and I have all of the tools to put myself out there and book my ideal clients. Karinda has given me so much more than I ever could have hoped for going into this journey. Not only do I have a solid understanding of the logistics of the business, but she has helped me discover my "why" and move into this journey with passion.... Emphasizing work on myself alongside my business is what sets Karinda apart as a coach. I am building a sense of confidence and self-worth that I never knew was possible. I am growing into the person I need to be to run my dream business.


Taylor S.

Working with Karinda has not only changed my business, but changed my life. I had been wanting to make the switch to IPS for a while but I had no clue how to price products, what products to offer, and how to get clients that would spend money on wall art and albums when they just wanted the digitals. I took the leap and joined Karinda’s Master Your Mind & Money program. Even though I was entering my busiest season as a photographer, private photo editor, bookkeeper and single mom of a 2 year old, I still made the time to go through the material and join any live meetings I possibly could. I am so thankful I did! In just 3 months I have sold more in wall art and albums than I made the entire year last year doing editing and photography. My average client went from $500 to $4,000+. Karinda is absolutely amazing to work with and I am so incredibly grateful I found her!


Catherine C.

I was always lingering reading all of these testimonials about Karinda and was so scared to pull the trigger. I wasn't making money for a long time and it seemed impossible to achieve. But I finally reached a point where my back was against the wall and I needed to make a decision. I lost my horse this past February, it hit me hard, and I was struggling with imposter syndrome where I felt like I did not relate to my clients anymore. It took one phone call, standing in the exact spot I was first told my horse had cancer that I broke down and told Karinda I needed help. When I say the 1:1 coaching changed my entire life I am not exaggerating. I went from being a dependent individual with no appreciation for who I was to a completely independent woman who not only knows who she is, but pushes my clients to show who they are and own it. My averages are $3800+ and I made my first 5 figure sale this month. I am fully booked this month going into November and for the first time I have consultations set up for winter clients in New York. I've traveled further than I ever had before. And I can happily say I'm casually searching for a horse. It's uncomfortable at times but 100% worth it. I have no doubt whatsoever if I stayed on my old path, my business would have closed within the next two years.

Jamie P.

I I joined Karinda's Program in February, though in truth I had been learning from her for about a year. I stalked her on Facebook and soaked up as much information as I could because it was always gold, though I was a little reluctant to join the program because it seemed too good to be true. What ultimately tipped the scales was the fact that every single person in the industry that knew her, what she teaches and her program were all saying the same wonderful things. When you look back on your life it is easy to pin point pivotal moments that changed your trajectory through they aren't always obvious right away. That is not the case here- joining Karinda's Program was easily one of the best decisions I have made in my life.


I was not new to photography, but I didn't know much about running a business- I am not a confident business owner with a service, process, and products I am proud of and am excited to offer clients, I owe everything to Karinda! I have made more in one month than I made all of last year.

Kaylee W.

M&M Member

My mindset has changed significantly! I don't feel bad for charging people what I'm worth. I crunched the numbers and saw in black and white how much it costs just to keep the doors open! My art is valuable so charging what it's worth. Also, being taught how to help your client figure out the products they want and where to display them is a real game changer. Not putting them in a box helps them discover the products they enjoy. The possibility for them to spend more depending on their desires is greatly increased. Thank you Karinda for teaching me how to build a profitable business that I can be proud of.



M&M Member

I love that all of the training is super easy to follow and implement. The videos are short and to the point so you don't get overwhelmed by all of the information, and it is broken down into the exact things you need to consider and steps you need to take, so it's very easy to apply what you are learning.


Katie F.

M&M Member

Just got off the phone with a client from october who is giving me a sale between $6200-$8200, depending on what wall art they go with. Thank you for helping me and setting me up for this! By far the biggest sale I have ever made. These two sales would be like doing 20 sessions at my old pricing, including the session fee!..*Messages later* “We just got off the phone and it is actually now a 10k sale


Bailey M.

Working with Karinda has given me the confidence in building a full-time equine photography business. I always had hesitations on whether or not I would be able to live off my photography income, and after learning useful tools and tips from Karinda, I know with putting in the hard work I"ll be able to achieve my dreams of being an equine photographer! I was nervous going into it- not only from the business side of wondering how I could make equine photography into a full time career but actually investing money in myself and my business. I’m glad that I took the plunge.

Alyssa S.


Karinda personalized her coaching strategy to my business and made sure what we discussed was relevant to where I was currently and what goals I wanted to reach. I think my biggest takeaway was the discovery process. Really digging into my why, it was very eye opening. What I appreciated most about Karinda's coaching was that she didn't try to morph my business into a cookie-cutter plan. Rather, she helped tweak my process while maintaining my personality. I really enjoyed working with Karinda. I highly recommend working with her. -


Aubray V.

Before working with Karinda, I treated my photography business as a hobby that occasionally made money. Now, I am a confident business owner that understands the cost of goods sold. I can confidently state the purpose behind what I do and what my sessions are worth both monetarily AND as an experience. Karinda taught me how to find a client’s problem, and what I can do to help them solve it.

Kristina T.


Working with Karinda has provided clarity, direction, and confidence for my business. Karinda’s experience with her own photography business definitely qualifies her to teach, but more importantly her kindness, thoughtfulness, and motivation to help others is what matters most. Before I joined Karinda’s coaching group I felt like I didn't know what I was doing with my business or if I could make it work. Karinda gave me clear, supportive direction and now I am confident I know how to run my photography business. If you are looking for a coach, Karinda is it! Her passion for her mentees, photography , clients, and business really makes her the complete package for an amazing coach.

Maria P.


I love that my time with Karinda is tailored to my business, she truly understands what I do, my struggles, and the direction I want to go in.

Charlotte D.

