
Podcast Episode 26. Are You Really Serving Your Clients?

Are you truly serving your clients, or are you just taking their photos?

When creating your customer experience, it is important to keep that question in mind. Do your clients see you as someone who shows up and pushes a button?

Or do they see you as more?

Not only should they view you as an expert in photography, but also as an interior designer, stylist, artist, and lastly a photographer. 

Before we even chose a location and outfit, we need to see the space where our clients are going to be displaying their wall art. The space will influence the way you direct them in choosing an outfit, deciding on a location, and how you pose them. At their photo reveal it will help you to coach them on choosing the correct size and material for their prints/frames. 

One of the largest pain points for portrait clients is choosing their outfits. As their photographer, it is our job to help them look their absolute best when it comes to clothing, hair, and makeup. We want our clients to feel amazing in their photos!

So my question for you is, are you just a photographer or are you a problem solver for your clients? Tune into this episode, then connect with me on social media (links below) and let me know how you can serve your clients better.

Connect with Karinda!

Thanks for listening!

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