Mindset is the number one thing that I see impacting my coaching client’s ability to go out and do the big scary things they need to do in order to build a profitable photography business.
Do you ever feel those weird feelings, like something is physically holding you back and stopping you from doing what you need to do?
Maybe the thought of people paying you thousands of dollars freaks you out so you never go out and charge what you should be charging. Or potentially you are worried that you might disappoint someone if everything isn’t perfect, so you work and re-work things over and over and never put them out into the world.
In all reality, your life experiences mold your mindset without you even realizing it, creating limiting beliefs that you may not even be aware of. Identifying and analyzing these limiting beliefs, determining the lies versus the truth, will open doors you didn’t even realize were shut.
Let’s rewrite your story for success!
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