
Podcast Episode 7: How Money Mindset Impacts your Portrait Business

On this week’s episode, Karinda dives into the three ways your bad relationship with money and fears surrounding money may be impacting your photography business.

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you afraid to set your prices where they need to be because you are worried nobody will pay those prices?
  • Do you freak out at the thought of having a conversation with a client about money?
  • Are you wondering why you don’t have any clients, but at the same time you are worried about putting yourself and your business out there because you think people will say “you are too expensive”

Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. These are some of the most common things I see stopping my coaching clients in their tracks when it comes to building their businesses. Together, we will explore the reasons why you have these thoughts/feelings and how you can get past them. You have the ability to get over these icky throughs and feelings surrounding money and finally get out of your own way.

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