I don’t have a price list anymore.
Yes. I said that.
I shared this on the Hair of the Dog Summit recently, and I could feel the stares, the judgement, the gasps.
How on earth do your clients know what they are going to invest?!
How do you prepare your clients for spending thousands of dollars?!
Don’t your clients want to see a price list?!
I am going to give you one HUGE tip that will change everything. Listen closely.
Ditch your price list. Throw it away.
Your price list says- “Here you go- order off of the menu”
And in all reality, it doesn’t make sense to your clients. Do you think that your clients really understand what words like “high resolution digital file” “luxury album” or “60in” really means in real life when it comes to their portraits.
Not at all- these things mean nothing without content behind them. That 6k 60in canvas is just a crap ton of money- when it isn’t there to touch, feel, and hold….when it isn’t their portrait on it.
I ditched my price list a few years ago.
Instead I communicate super clearly with my clients from the very first point of contact about the fact that they will spend thousands with me and I give them a good idea of what that looks like based on what they are telling me they want from their portrait session.
They know coming into it that most clients end up with an album with 25-35 portraits and a few pieces of wall art and invest around $5000+, and I am also up front that if they want life size art in multiple rooms and a huge album with all of their portraits they might end up investing 10-20k+ with me.
If I handed over a price list with everything it would be like reading a different language for my clients, and they would just see a million numbers and glaze over.
Since I implemented this system and process to educate them and set expectations, people don’t even ask for a price list and I don’t have sticker shock. I have about 10 touch points through my process to make sure they are informed and educated about what they might invest, the products, and what to expect at the reveal which helps prevent any confusion at the reveal.
I think of it like this, if you go to a really fancy restaurant, the chef comes out and says “what would you like for dinner” and then prepares it for you…. that is what I want to be for my clients. I want to cook up the perfect thing for them based on what their needs are. I don’t want them to feel like they are ordering off of a menu.
I teach this entire process inside of Master Your Mind & Money- we break down the tiny details and the 10 different touch points in detail that get you to that sale without the use of a price list or product guide. Apply to join us inside the program here.